Tuesday, 9 September 2014

It's been a while!

Dear Readers,

I'm not entirely sure why I begin each post in this way. Is it due to some inner desire to speak out to others, or perhaps even to encourage people to read what I have written. Either way, the written language is a curious thing. The way that we address others whom we cannot see in comparison to how we address those around us.

What is it that entices us to write?

This is a question I have asked myself several times since finishing my first novel. Throughout the editing process I have been my own worst critic, finding fault where others cannot. The manuscript has been sent out to five proof-readers. Three of which are in my target age category and two of which are experienced readers of the Urban Fantasy genre and really know what they're looking for.
The feedback so far has been uplifting to say the least. I smashed through my target of 60,000 words to reach 75,000 - which, in itself, was a welcome surprise! But the news that had me in tears was the reply I got from my childhood idol.
To be told that even just the first chapter of your novel (which is the chapter to be first judged by any agent or publisher) is "original, dramatic and well-written" is certainly some of the greatest news you will ever hear, especially coming from someone whose writing has been one of you greatest comforts through every moment, whether good or bad. Further feedback from proof-readers has dubbed it "brilliant" and "amazingly imaginative" which has, no doubt, spurred me on as I pursue each read-through, scouting for any mistakes that I may have overlooked.

Even though I have now read through my own novel in PDF format over eight times, I find it never becomes a bore as it is like reading a book written by another. During the time I am writing, I find that it is not me that chooses which word is next to appear on the paper or screen, but the characters themselves that spin the tale. It is only the hand that places word to paper and not the conscious mind. Subconsciously, we are being led to turn the pen a specific way, to unfold another's ideals for the world to enjoy or hate. I'm sure I'm not the only writer who experiences this and thus forgets the words which have been written so that every new read-through is just as effective as the last.
You know the story, you know the characters, yet somehow you anticipate what is to come. This is the true reason I write under a pseudonym, for the words I use are not my own. They dwell in a place in the back of my mind that is only accessible when I have a pen in my hand or a keyboard within reach. Which leads us to another favoured question of mine.

What is a writer?

The truth is one that we may never know, for is everyone not a writer at heart? Some may find it a chore or even a tad tedious, but as I tell my classmates who marvel at the fact that I have written a full-length novel: Anyone can be a writer. Anyone can write a novel. It just takes time and patience to sit down, think of a story and articulate it.

Not every person who writes a novel gets published. Not every published novel gets read. I understand that well enough, but is it better to chase my dreams until I come across the conclusion or allow them to become broken? I may never get published...there is a slim chance I might but competition is tough out there. It might take longer than I ever dreamed, but one thing is always sure: I will NEVER stop trying!
Imogen Elizabeth Faith.

P.S. Congratulations to all who got brilliant results in GCSE, AS Level and A Level! I hope those of you who passed GCSE are enjoying Sixth Form as much as I am.

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