Friday, 28 November 2014

The Countdown Begins...

Dear Readers,
With Monday being the 1st of December it brings us ever closer to Christmas: the time of year when our lives seem to become all at once more hectic, yet more enjoyable. Many children (and some adults) will be looking forward to opening advent calendar's and later their Christmas presents. Nowadays we think of Christmas as a time for our families to get together, but we forget the true reason that Christmas came about!
Sure, you've heard this all too many times before, but take a moment to consider that Christmas is just another holiday that - in my opinion - is a celebration of life itself.
Promise yourself that this Christmas you will do one thing (just one small thing) to celebrate all that you have accomplished over the year. Be proud of the things you have achieved and allow yourself to enjoy the festivities.

P.S. The twitter '@' is now @imogen_faith (as it makes more sense to be that way)

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

A challenge for the mind.

Dear Readers,

When I was asked by my art teacher to paint surrealism, I imagined it to be entirely easy. My love of the fantasy genre combined with my love of vibrant colours should surely have been enough to carry me through the theme, but life has a way of testing you; of taking something you love and turning into something less so - or albeit something that presents you with more of a challenge.

Every day, we as humans are pushed to our limits. And for what? The meaning of life has not yet been established, or even recognised for that matter. Most people rely on their religion to guide them through life as I once relied on mine. Every religion is beautiful in its' own right: that, I can state without hesitation. I myself have switched between a few until I found the right combination by which to live my life. I shall not present myself in virtual ink, for my religion has no name -  it is a complex combination of pieces from several religions that I believe to be excellent rules by which to live and are perfect motto's for uplifting the spirit.

By turning over a new leaf this September, I have vowed that my time should be devoted to making others happy and through that, retaining my own happiness.

I leave you today with a single question (which can be answered if that is your wish).

What is the purpose of your life?


Tuesday, 9 September 2014

It's been a while!

Dear Readers,

I'm not entirely sure why I begin each post in this way. Is it due to some inner desire to speak out to others, or perhaps even to encourage people to read what I have written. Either way, the written language is a curious thing. The way that we address others whom we cannot see in comparison to how we address those around us.

What is it that entices us to write?

This is a question I have asked myself several times since finishing my first novel. Throughout the editing process I have been my own worst critic, finding fault where others cannot. The manuscript has been sent out to five proof-readers. Three of which are in my target age category and two of which are experienced readers of the Urban Fantasy genre and really know what they're looking for.
The feedback so far has been uplifting to say the least. I smashed through my target of 60,000 words to reach 75,000 - which, in itself, was a welcome surprise! But the news that had me in tears was the reply I got from my childhood idol.
To be told that even just the first chapter of your novel (which is the chapter to be first judged by any agent or publisher) is "original, dramatic and well-written" is certainly some of the greatest news you will ever hear, especially coming from someone whose writing has been one of you greatest comforts through every moment, whether good or bad. Further feedback from proof-readers has dubbed it "brilliant" and "amazingly imaginative" which has, no doubt, spurred me on as I pursue each read-through, scouting for any mistakes that I may have overlooked.

Even though I have now read through my own novel in PDF format over eight times, I find it never becomes a bore as it is like reading a book written by another. During the time I am writing, I find that it is not me that chooses which word is next to appear on the paper or screen, but the characters themselves that spin the tale. It is only the hand that places word to paper and not the conscious mind. Subconsciously, we are being led to turn the pen a specific way, to unfold another's ideals for the world to enjoy or hate. I'm sure I'm not the only writer who experiences this and thus forgets the words which have been written so that every new read-through is just as effective as the last.
You know the story, you know the characters, yet somehow you anticipate what is to come. This is the true reason I write under a pseudonym, for the words I use are not my own. They dwell in a place in the back of my mind that is only accessible when I have a pen in my hand or a keyboard within reach. Which leads us to another favoured question of mine.

What is a writer?

The truth is one that we may never know, for is everyone not a writer at heart? Some may find it a chore or even a tad tedious, but as I tell my classmates who marvel at the fact that I have written a full-length novel: Anyone can be a writer. Anyone can write a novel. It just takes time and patience to sit down, think of a story and articulate it.

Not every person who writes a novel gets published. Not every published novel gets read. I understand that well enough, but is it better to chase my dreams until I come across the conclusion or allow them to become broken? I may never get published...there is a slim chance I might but competition is tough out there. It might take longer than I ever dreamed, but one thing is always sure: I will NEVER stop trying!
Imogen Elizabeth Faith.

P.S. Congratulations to all who got brilliant results in GCSE, AS Level and A Level! I hope those of you who passed GCSE are enjoying Sixth Form as much as I am.

Thursday, 24 April 2014

Character Design

Dear Readers,
Lately I've been doing a lot of character drawings for my novel and decided I would try and help others with this process. After all, if you don't understand your characters your readers sure won't!

I like to start with the appearance before I even think of a name. Most of my characters are already brought on with the story plot, as most of my story plots are actually just extended versions of dreams I've had so I just adapt the character.

I'll use the main character of my current novel in progress as an example.
The best way to create the character is by writing down the key colours and features. You can draw these later if you want, which is what I love to do. In a way it's like meeting the character and it is through this post that I would like you to meet mine.

List things as you go along. Start from the very top and add as much detail as you can if you do not intend to draw the character:

Gender: Female
Age: 14
Height: 5' 2"
Hair: Dark brown; reaches shoulder blades; fringe comes to eyebrows; layered in a long bob style; straight.
Eyes: Emerald green; wide and innocent.
Nose: Small, bridge curves inwards, tip partially upturned.
Date of Birth: 21st May, 1998
Star sign: Gemini

You could also include things such as Blood Type, numerology of the name once you have created it and more.

When choosing the name it is important to know your character's personality. If you have the storyline this should be fairly easy. You can use online name dictionaries to help you if you want, as you can search for keywords - For this particular character I would search things such as: Strong, young and innocent.

Sometimes you will already have the name and you just have to think of the appearance. As this character derived from a dream the name was already embedded in my mind, and upon searching for the definition to see if it truly suited I found out something rather shocking. The name was perfect as it really fitted with the innocent definition. The colour white is renowned with purity and innocence, so it came as a shock that the name was literally white repeated three times over.
I have grown to love Bianca Lillian White over the last two years and have added so much of my own personality into her character. Her character serves to prove that looks can be deceiving, for - in her case - even the smallest of people can have the biggest of personalities.


Friday, 7 February 2014

Thank God It's Friday!

I'm sure all students are looking forward to the weekend as much as I am. It's a time for lie-ins, relaxing, being with family and of course, in my case... writing! Although I do write on scrap paper all week, the weekend provides some time to sit down and really work on my novel - and maybe listen to some music while I'm at it.
So for all - Hope you have a great weekend!

Friday, 31 January 2014

GCSE Madness!

Okay, so they say GCSE time is all a bit of a rush and I couldn't seem to agree more! As of today I have finally entered my Artwork for marking, which included a ten-minute watercolour painting that was the last thing left on my list. I keep getting told not to try and multitask when it comes to things, but I find it so hard to concentrate on the work when I could be writing instead.
Almost a fortnight ago I decided to spend my entire Sunday doing nothing but trying to reach chapter five of book one in my series. This failed, much to my disappointment, because of some minute details to do with the tidiness of my room and a missing third edition copy of Lord of the Flies. As a surety to myself I consulted my Tarot deck to try and find out exactly what month I would manage to complete the first draft (really it's the 17th revision) of book one - this left me with the rather disappointing answer of August!

Although I have spent many hours carefully planning out each detail of each of the twelve books, I often find myself considering previous ideas or revising others to make the story better. Just last weekend I was waiting for a friend to arrive when I decided to check my book collection and tidy it out. Upon finishing I noticed one book looked a little out of place so tried to fix its positioning. This led me to finding a notebook I'd kept in year nine with the original idea for the book inside. I read all the notes and discovered a piece of extract that I quite liked. I've already written the chapter from which this extract came, but I could easily go back and add the part in if I wanted.

Many of you may already have heard on the news - or maybe just in general - about the Chinese New Year being today. The year of the Horse starts from today onwards so for anyone who might be reading- Happy New Year!

Sunday, 5 January 2014

Welcome to my world!

Dear Readers,
Life can be full of surprises. Some good, some bad, but not always unexpected. I've found that in my sixteen years of life that there is no sure way of knowing what the future holds, but with careful planning, a head full of dreams and a heart full of ambition, anything is possible. Although I am un-published (at the moment) I consider myself a writer and a novelist, for my entire life revolves around writing books. Of course, exams are also important, but having a moment of solitude with your own thoughts once in a while can't really hurt. I take pride in my work, each page I write is a doorway into my eccentric mind, helping me better understand myself.
I am currently writing a twelve part Urban Fantasy series for Teens like myself and have started getting opinions from friends at school who have volunteered to read the first book so I can improve it before I even try to find an agent. I took advice that I found on the internet, which told me to re-draft it twice after getting an opinion from others. Although I see the series as more of a feminine set of novels, I have had around six of my male friends volunteering, two of which know my series inside out almost as good as I do!
As you can probably tell, it is my dream to be published and I will stop at nothing to achieve my goal. This blog serves a good purpose. To slowly calculate my journey in writing and hopefully help others in the same predicament. I may not be able to update it as often as I'd like - due to the lack of internet in my own house - but I hope that I can inspire others.
My mother once wrote in my Christening card, a phrase which has inspired me to this day:
Hold onto you dreams tight, because one day they might come true.