Almost a fortnight ago I decided to spend my entire Sunday doing nothing but trying to reach chapter five of book one in my series. This failed, much to my disappointment, because of some minute details to do with the tidiness of my room and a missing third edition copy of Lord of the Flies. As a surety to myself I consulted my Tarot deck to try and find out exactly what month I would manage to complete the first draft (really it's the 17th revision) of book one - this left me with the rather disappointing answer of August!
Although I have spent many hours carefully planning out each detail of each of the twelve books, I often find myself considering previous ideas or revising others to make the story better. Just last weekend I was waiting for a friend to arrive when I decided to check my book collection and tidy it out. Upon finishing I noticed one book looked a little out of place so tried to fix its positioning. This led me to finding a notebook I'd kept in year nine with the original idea for the book inside. I read all the notes and discovered a piece of extract that I quite liked. I've already written the chapter from which this extract came, but I could easily go back and add the part in if I wanted.
Many of you may already have heard on the news - or maybe just in general - about the Chinese New Year being today. The year of the Horse starts from today onwards so for anyone who might be reading- Happy New Year!